A couple months ago, I added another item to my Christmas list: A Kindle. I’ve decided that is what I want more than anything. I know Christmas is 8 months away, but I thought I’d put my dibs in early.

And then I discovered something online: CountryLife4Me is giving away 2 prizes. A kindle 3 and $50 cash via paypal. If this looks like an opportunity for you too, Enter Here . However, I’m doing what I can to win, and that includes telling you about it.

So, please send positive thoughts, winning thoughts, thoughts of abundance (but specifically targeted to this new Kindle 3).

Have a great week!

Connect on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/elevationbeauty
Follow on twitter: http://www.twitter.com/elevationbeauty


  • Carol And Stacy Posted April 3, 2011 8:56 am

    Hi Leigh, Good luck on your entry. I entered to win this one to. A Kindle 3 would be awesome. I also entered a contest to win an Ipad at our local home and garden show. Either one of these prizes would rock!
    I'm on a winning streak. I won a $150.00 make over for Blog header and I found out yesterday I won 10,000 targeted visitors from HitsIntoProfits.com from their new monthly twitter contest. All you have to do is tweet their contest for a chance to win. You might want to check them out and follow them on twitter. Cheers to a winning streak for both of us!!

  • Leigh Harris Posted April 3, 2011 11:43 am

    Good luck to you too! Sounds like luck (or persistance, or inspiration) is on your side right now!

    I'll check out the visitor site. Thank you.

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